Whether you are considering applying for part-time work around your studies, an entry level job or an Apprenticeship programme, you will need to put together a CV. This is a standard part of any application process and helps to give employers a clear idea of whether your written communication skills are up to scratch.
The time you spend creating your CV will be a valuable investment in your future. It needs to be easy to read and understand and reflect the best version of you. It should cover all necessary and relevant information and shouldn't include any howlers, including spelling mistakes, that will put a hiring manager off.
There is no one right way to put together a CV and everybody's CV is different. There are some standard headings you will find useful and some common errors you will need to avoid. However, your CV should be adapted to draw on the skills, strengths, behaviours and values you have developed.
As you progress through your career, you should always update your CV for every job you apply for and adapt it to show you have the qualities and qualifications the employer is looking for.
Preparing your CV
Choose fonts that are easy to read; Arial, Calibri, Times New Roman
Font size; approx. size 12
Keep to font colour black (the areas in blue are just for guidance)
Keep to 2 pages max, preferably 1
Check your spelling, grammar and correct use of capital letters.
Use the English spell check not the US one. Careful with ‘z’ when it should be an ‘S’
Ensure that your email address is professional