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Transitioning your career can be stressful and an unsettling time.  In a challenging job market, where it can take longer than expected to secure a new role, your mental and physical resilience are as important as your job search activity.


Evolving technology and changing hiring behaviours all add to the complexities of job seeking and along with battling the fear of the unknown and the ever-increasing techniques you can use to find your next opportunity, looking for a new job can feel overwhelming.


Understanding the uniqueness of each individual I work with is vital to ensure that the support I provide is value-led and bespoke.  Meaning every programme I provide is personalised to offer proactive, practical advice and emotional support to meet your needs and budget.


So, to find out more about how you can Reflect, Refocus and Relaunch your career transition and be the best version of yourself, please contact Becky at to set up an initial exploratory consultation.


Please note that I maintain a small number of clients at a time.  All sessions will be via video conferencing (during the evenings and weekends).

Job Search Health Check
 A 50-minute 1:1 mentoring session with Becky to refocus your job search.  Practical advice and support to get you back on track. 

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